The Greenville Tax Increase Explained
"It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled."
This is one of the most elaborate tax scams ever conceived to bilk YOU, the residents of Greenville County, out of hundreds of millions of dollars. In fact, it's so complicated the County Council doesn't think anyone can explain it and, if someone does, YOU won't understand it, so follow closely.
Each year the county manager estimates how much new tax will be collected based on growth. If the total estimated revenue equals expenses, the budget balances. For the past 28 years the Greenville County budgets balanced without a single tax increase. The budget this year balanced as well - until the County Council came up with an Affordable Housing project.
The County Council wants to keep affordable housing "off the books" and away from the public for several reasons:
- Raising taxes for affordable housing would not be popular here,
- Housing developers expect "sweetheart deals" to go along with such a scheme,
- Huge campaign donations from developers would look suspicious to voters.
So, they devised a plan... Tax Credits. The Greenville County Budget does not contain a single line item to build affordable housing. Why? Because the council is spending tax money BEFORE it's even collected! This scam pays developers for affordable housing with massive tax credits. Tax credits are as good as cash to developers but invisible on the county balance sheet.
Giving away millions upon millions in tax credits creates a severe budget shortage. The council knew this. They needed a crisis to get YOU to willingly accept a tax increase to cover the money they plan to give to developers. So, the county manager simply reduced the estimated tax revenue by the millions in tax credits. Presto! Instant crisis.
To fix this massive "budget shortfall" YOU were given only two options:
- Reduce the level of essential services. (cutbacks for EMS, police, fire, etc.), or
- Increase property taxes.
Of course, there was another option... Kill the Affordable Housing Project and the budget would have magically balanced. But remember, YOU aren't supposed to know about affordable housing! The important takeaway from this is; repealing the tax increase WILL NOT shut down county government or result in reduced services. It will simply end County Council's elaborate and fraudulent tax scam. Sign the petition and encourage others to do the same. Then remember these scoundrels at the Primary Elections in June, 2024.
Let's fix this Sign The Petition